Board of directors

  • Saleh Almutawa


  • Moaeed Alsaloom

    Vice chairman

  • Motaz Alangari


  • Abdullah Alowaini


  • Mohammed Alkhushail


  • Mohammed Alissa


  • Alejandro Carbon


  • Ms. Ramya Narayana


  • Amer Alkhursan

    Secretary - General of BOD

Shariah committee

  • Chairman Of Shariah Committee

    Excellency Sheikh

    Dr. Abdullah Bin
    Mohammed Al Mutlaq

    He holds a PhD in Comparative Jurisprudence from Imam Muhammad bin Saud University and worked as the Head of the Jurisprudence Department. He’s an advisor in the Royal Court, a member of The Council of Senior Scholars (Ulemas) in Saudi Arabia, and an advisor in many Islamic financial institutions. Member of several Sharia committees in Islamic financial institutions in KSA. He’s a member of several Sharia boards, such as the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions in Bahrain. He supervised several doctoral theses, participated in the discussions of several master’s theses as well, issued some legal fatwas, and wrote books and research in the field of Islamic economics.

  • Shariah committee member

    Eminence Sheikh

    Dr. Mohammed
    Bin Ali Elgari

    He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of California, and he’s a speaker of Islamic banking in conferences globally. He is a renowned Professor of Islamic Economics and the former Director of the Centre for Research in Islamic Economics at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah. A member of several Sharia boards in several local and international banks and financial institutions and an expert in the International Islamic Jurisprudence Academy of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and the Jurisprudence Academy of the Muslim World. Winner of the International Award in Islamic Banking and Finance from the Islamic Development Bank for the year 2004, and authored many books and articles on Islamic finance in Arabic and English.

  • Shariah committee member

    Eminence Sheikh

    Dr. Yousef Bin
    Abdullah Al Shubaily

    He holds a PhD in comparative jurisprudence at the Higher Judicial Institute at Imam Muhammad bin Saud University and is a professor of comparative jurisprudence at the Higher Judicial Institute in KSA. He’s a collaborating professor with the American Open University, a member of the Saudi Jurisprudence Society, and a member of the Sharia Committee to review the organization of zakat collection. Member of the International Islamic Jurisprudence Academy, member of the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions, and member of the Saudi Judicial Scientific Society. He supervised and discussed several master’s and PhDs dissertations for graduate students, and he authorized many published books and scientific research.

Committee duties

The Shariah committee is responsible for supervising compliance with Shariah principles and rules and their application in the bank. And It consists of group of specialists whose knowledge and experience are not limited only to the Shariah and related matters, but also include the jurisprudence of contemporary financial transactions used to form Shariah decisions given to the bank.

  1. The committee shall be responsible for all its decisions related to Shariah matters. The board must rely on the committee for issuing Shariah decisions related to engaging in Islamic banking activities. The committee shall perform the following tasks:

  2. It shall supervise the compliance of Islamic banking transactions with the Shariah principles and rules. Shariah compliance reports and internal Shariah audit observations should enable the committee to identify issues that require attention and, where appropriate, propose corrective measures.

  3. It shall issue decisions on Shariah matters so that the bank can comply with the Shariah principles and rules.

  4. It shall ensure that the Shariah policies and procedures developed by the bank are consistent with the Shariah principles and rules.

  5. The committee shall assess the compliance and internal Shariah audit work to ensure compliance with the Shariah aspects. Such assessment is part of the tasks related to submitting the reports on assessment of Shariah compliance.

  6. It shall prepare an annual report on the compliance of the banking Islamic activities of the bank with the Shariah principles and rules and submit it to the board.

  7. Shariah Committee Decisions 2024

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STC Bank, a mixed closed joint stock company, incorporated and existing under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with paid-up capital of SAR 2,500,000,000, commercial registration number 1010901344 and unified ID number 7010933328, P.O. Box 87912 Riyadh 11652, National Address: 7252 King Khalid Rd – Al Asemah Dist. Ad Dir’iyah 13714 – 5260, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,, licensed by Councils of Ministers under decree 671 dated 12/11/1442H corresponding to 22/06/2021G, and under the oversight and supervision of Saudi Central Bank.


Regulated by the Saudi Central Bank

Regulated by the Saudi Central Bank

© STC Bank. All rights reserved

STC Bank, a mixed closed joint stock company, incorporated and existing under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with paid-up capital of SAR 2,500,000,000, commercial registration number 1010901344 and unified ID number 7010933328, P.O. Box 87912 Riyadh 11652, National Address: 7252 King Khalid Rd – Al Asemah Dist. Ad Dir’iyah 13714 – 5260, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,, licensed by Councils of Ministers under decree 671 dated 12/11/1442H corresponding to 22/06/2021G, and under the oversight and supervision of Saudi Central Bank.

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